Saturday, May 29, 2010

Still on bedrest....

After a great deal of consideration, I decided not to call the Dr. the next morning, and they didn't call me (which I thought was a little odd, but whatever).  I continued to spend most of the week in bed or the recliner. D did some school work but I'm pretty sure he's mostly playing computer games.  I'm hoping to encourage him to play outside more today- I'm thinking I'll just set up a couple of wicker chairs so I can keep my feet up and go out there with him.  Since he has no siblings, he gets pretty bored outside by himself.  I can't really blame him- even though I used to play outside by myself as a child all Summer.

So Melanie, Betsy and Dianne brought us dinners this week (fabulous!) and I thought the spotting had all cleared up.  Since I had not spotting all day Friday I was planning to ask B if I could take him to work and keep the truck, so D and I could get some groceries (with me riding on the electric cart while there).  But then Friday night I suddenly had more spotting- so today I am home in bed again.  I don't love it, but I'll do whatever I have to do.   

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